Welcome entrepreneurs, innovators and disruptors


Experience how EO helps entrepreneurs achieve their full potential.


For entrepreneurs and founders of businesses making more than US$1 million in annual revenue, there is no better opportunity to learn and grow than the one that is provided to you through membership in EO.

Member Benefits



Forum experiences are the essence of EO and usually the most highly rated member benefit. What would you give for the ability to tap into a group of 7-10 fellow business owners from your area, who can offer you direction based on their experiences? Your Forum is designed to meet your unique needs as an entrepreneur and help you reach new measures of success and significance. Held monthly, Forum meetings allow you to dig deep, personally and professionally, in a safe, non-judgmental, and highly confidential environment. Each EO member is trained and placed in a forum of peers who have no conflicts with your business.

Friendships and mentorships are born and bred from Forum. Moderator-trained EO members guide the sessions, which emphasize confidentiality, personal responsibility and lessons learned. Members don’t give advice; they speak from prior experience, letting you draw your own conclusions on how to best proceed. Upon joining EO, our chapter’s Forum Chair will work to get you in a Forum and will ensure that you are placed with the right number and mix of business owners to foster the best experience.

The EO Colorado Forum program is under constant development and improvement, and new groups—like MyEO, regional, spousal/significant other Forums and those for Key Executives in the member’s business—are constantly growing. All the Forums offer a deeper dive into the specific challenges faced by the entrepreneur.

Learn More About Membership

See what the founder of EO, Verne Harnish, has to say about joining the Entrepreneur’s Organization.

There is no better way to you can help grow and solidify your business in the next five years than joining a group of entrepreneurs that are going through the same experience.

Ongoing Executive Education

At the core of EO’s mission is an unrelenting commitment to helping both young and experienced entrepreneurs learn and grow on a personal and professional level. As a global thought leader on entrepreneurship, we strive to support the totality of the entrepreneur, knowing full well that their journey extends beyond their business. By helping members become better business, industry, family and community leaders, we can further strengthen the global business landscape.

EO is proud to offer members the opportunity to learn at a more intense level through executive-education programming. These programs strive to bring members to new levels of leadership in business and beyond. Through a variety of partnerships, EO challenges members’ assumptions, tests their ways of doing business and introduces them to new ways of thinking. Most important, members return to their business with fresh ideas, new skills, a toolkit of resources and a greater capacity for addressing the challenges they and their company will face.

 Some examples are:

Entrepreneurial Masters Program (EMP)

Key Executive Program (KEP)

Key Executive Program International (KEPi)

London Business School Growth Forum (LBS)

EO@Wharton: Elevating Finance + Operations

EO@Harvard: Inspiring Entrepreneurial Strategy



From world-class speakers for the local chapter, all the way to global universities with attendees from 222 chapters, there is something for everyone. These one-of-a-kind learning and experiential events combine outstanding speakers with engagement among peers.

Chapter events range from learning events with prestigious speakers from around the globe to fun events like a family drive-in movie and everything in between. The chapter accesses legendary thought leaders to bring topnotch education and strategy on both personal and business topics, open to all members, meant to educate and enrich our lives.  

Regional events combine the buying power of all the chapters in the US West region, to bring in heavy hitters like a recent workshop on negotiation with popular author, and former FBI Negotiator, Chris Voss. Only days later we sat with Shaquille O’Neal to hear about his entrepreneurial journey. Annual regional events, like US West’s Alchemy, provide opportunities to interact with your influencer peers from all over the west.

Global events and opportunities are second to none and combine provocative learning programs with unique resources and memorable social venues. Our biggest events, called EO Global Universities, bring hundreds of members together for a once-in-a-lifetime experience at exciting locations around the world. Held twice a year, Global Universities are high-energy, multi-faceted events that connect you with hundreds of your fellow members.



 MyEO is the member-led platform where your thirst for adventure engages your entrepreneurial journey. It’s your own bold, cool space to expand your interests and passions with fellow EO Members. MyEO consists of events, once-in-a-lifetime travel opportunities, groups, and even special industry Forums. A global, online matrix, accessible for all members in the world, holds endless opportunities just waiting for members to enjoy.

MyEO Groups
There are currently over 150 MyEO Groups that are championed by your peers. A MyEO Group is a member-initiated group that is created by members, for members around a specific passion or interest. Groups can be local, regional and global, and focus on the EO-ers’ specific interests and passions. MyEO Groups are virtual in nature, providing constant engagement for members no matter where they are located. When MyEO Groups hold in-person or virtual events, those are registered as MyEO Events open to everyone. Some examples of our Chapter’s groups are:

  • The EO Colorado Mountain Biking Group

  • The EO Colorado Backpacking Group

  • The EO Colorado Tequila Tasting Group

  • The EO Colorado Golfing Group

  • The EO Colorado Book Club

And many more!

MyEO Premiere groups include Women of EO, Under 35, Families of EO, and Industry Groups, and DealExchange. There are many, many more opportunities through the EO Bridges Slack Channel that include joining special MyEO Forums specific to your industry and shared travel interests. These groups also connect for needs and leads and find camaraderie and benefit from the shared knowledge of this global organization. 

MyEO Events
A MyEO Event is a member-initiated event/experience/opportunity that is created by members, for members around a specific topic or activity. We see more than 400 MyEO Event opportunities globally every year. In 2018, the EO Colorado chapter championed a river cruise down the Danube from Budapest to Vienna. All 70+ cabins were filled with EOers from around the world!

Recent MyEO Events include things like a golfing trip to Scotland, MyEO Family Leadership & Adventure Trek, MyEO Trans Himalayan Snow Leopard Expedition, MyEO Road Trip Across South Asia, and MyEO Burning Man (dEOxidized).​ Find the things that you and your family enjoy and experience them, on-demand, with your fellow entrepreneurs.


A Trusted Community

Entrepreneurs who value vulnerability and transparency in order to remove the roadblocks in our business

Experience for Yourself